For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;"
Focus Thought
The Ephesians were Greeks--people who had always been on the "outside" when it came to the things of God. Paul writes that through Jesus everyone has access equally, regardless of race, religious background, gender, education, past actions, or standing in society.
The Next Step
Through Christ, we all have equal access to God. He has broken down every possible barrier that could stand in our way. And that doesn't just apply to salvation or to fellowship with believers. It also has to do with our God-given purpose. There is no barrier that has ever been constructed that God is not able to demolish. The barriers in your life may be labels that society has placed upon your life, it may be past experiences, it may be your personality, or it may be feeling like you're less than those around you. But no matter what, no matter who says different, God is bigger than your barriers. God is bigger than your weaknesses. God is bigger than your failures and labels. With that thought in mind, here are some actions to take throughout this week:
1. Read Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11
Compare those verses with Ephesians 2:14. Notice how many different groups of people Paul lists. Think back to what those groups represent and what they mean to us today.
- Jew or Greek (Ethnic Background)
- Circumcision or Uncircumcision (Religious Background)
- Male or Female (Gender)
- Barbarian (Education)
- Scythian (Past Actions)
- Bond or Free (Status in Society)
Think about the barriers that stand between you and who God has called you to be. But don't stop there. Consider how far you've come as well. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in what needs to be fixed that we forget to remember the changes God has already made. What barriers has God removed in your life? In what ways have you changed since coming to God? How far have you come and how much have you grown spiritually?
3. Pray
Think about the areas in your life where you need God to work. Pray about those areas. Think about the areas where God is already working. Pray about those areas, too, and say, "Thank you."
4. Share Your Testimony
Share your testimony with at least one person this week. Tell them about the barriers that God has removed in your life. Use them as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus.