“And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:”
Focus Thought
God very rarely uses comfortable situations to work in our lives. The disciples witnessed this at the crucifixion; Jacob witnessed it at Peniel; Paul witnessed it through his thorn in the flesh. G. Campbell Morgan called this phenomenon "The Crippling That Crowns." It may not look or feel good in the moment, but the end result is worth it.
The Next Step
The things that God uses to change us are usually the things that hurt the most. The Golgatha’s, the crosses, the wounds, the pains are the things that make the most impact upon our lives. Jacob walked away from his encounter with God "halting" on his leg. He limped. Jacob traded in the way he had always lived and the way he had always thought and he walked away with the name Israel, which some translate to mean “The God-mastered Man.” Jacob’s ways and ideas had gotten him a large family and immense wealth, but it had also ruined his reputation and his relationship with his extended family. So he traded it in. And he got a limp. What a deal.
But Jacob understood that his limp was the receipt of a transaction with God. He limped for the rest of his life not wanting to inflame the thigh that was permanently out-of-joint. But every time he turned the wrong way or miscalculated the simplest step, he felt the same immense and intense twinge of pain. But Jacob didn’t rant about his “bum leg” or criticize God for his “curse.” Instead, every twinge of pain, every moment of discomfort, was evidence that he had been touched by God. He had seen God’s face, His Essence, and lived. What everyone else saw as weakness or a sorry situation, Jacob saw as the fingerprint of God upon his life. It was a badge of honor that he carried proudly.
What about you?
While you wrestle with that question, here are some things to do this week.
1. Identify Your Limps
What are the limps in your life? What are the situations that in the moment felt unfair, painful, or uncomfortable, but looking back you see it as the hand of God? What situations are you facing now that could fit that same description?
2. Read and Reflect
Read Genesis 32:22-32. Think about Jacob and what his actions mean to our lives today. He refuses to let go of His God even when it hurts (v. 25-26). He cares more about the Blesser than the Blessing (v. 29). He recognizes God even in the midst of his pain (v. 30). Looking over your life, could you say the same about yourself?
3. Pray
Pray for God to adjust your mentality. Pray that you will see the crosses, the limps, and the thorns as blessings and not curses. Pray that you will see the Fingerprints of God and residue of His Glory in every moment of your life.
The Next Step
The things that God uses to change us are usually the things that hurt the most. The Golgatha’s, the crosses, the wounds, the pains are the things that make the most impact upon our lives. Jacob walked away from his encounter with God "halting" on his leg. He limped. Jacob traded in the way he had always lived and the way he had always thought and he walked away with the name Israel, which some translate to mean “The God-mastered Man.” Jacob’s ways and ideas had gotten him a large family and immense wealth, but it had also ruined his reputation and his relationship with his extended family. So he traded it in. And he got a limp. What a deal.
But Jacob understood that his limp was the receipt of a transaction with God. He limped for the rest of his life not wanting to inflame the thigh that was permanently out-of-joint. But every time he turned the wrong way or miscalculated the simplest step, he felt the same immense and intense twinge of pain. But Jacob didn’t rant about his “bum leg” or criticize God for his “curse.” Instead, every twinge of pain, every moment of discomfort, was evidence that he had been touched by God. He had seen God’s face, His Essence, and lived. What everyone else saw as weakness or a sorry situation, Jacob saw as the fingerprint of God upon his life. It was a badge of honor that he carried proudly.
What about you?
While you wrestle with that question, here are some things to do this week.
1. Identify Your Limps
What are the limps in your life? What are the situations that in the moment felt unfair, painful, or uncomfortable, but looking back you see it as the hand of God? What situations are you facing now that could fit that same description?
2. Read and Reflect
Read Genesis 32:22-32. Think about Jacob and what his actions mean to our lives today. He refuses to let go of His God even when it hurts (v. 25-26). He cares more about the Blesser than the Blessing (v. 29). He recognizes God even in the midst of his pain (v. 30). Looking over your life, could you say the same about yourself?
3. Pray
Pray for God to adjust your mentality. Pray that you will see the crosses, the limps, and the thorns as blessings and not curses. Pray that you will see the Fingerprints of God and residue of His Glory in every moment of your life.